What Truck Driver Job Application Data Says About Recruiting and Retention [Video] - Drivers

What Truck Driver Job Utility Information Says About Recruiting and Retention [Video] – Drivers

August 15, 2023


The softer freight market has made truck drivers extra more likely to search greener pastures. What can fleets study recruiting and retention from job software knowledge?


This episode of HDT’s Management Insights video podcast is produced in partnership with, and sponsored by, Tenstreet.

Make driver communication extra clear, efficient and straightforward at Tenstreet.com


HDT Editor and Affiliate Writer Deborah Lockridge talks to Tenstreet founder Tim Crawford about what tendencies his firm is seeing in job driver purposes, with some recommendation on methods to use that data for higher driver recruiting and retention.


What You may Be taught in This Episode:

  • What’s driver software knowledge displaying concerning the state of the business?
  • Are drivers transferring away from one thing or to one thing?
  • When the grass on the opposite aspect of the fence is extra engaging.
  • How usually does the typical driver get into the job market?
  • What does the information imply for recruiting and retention?
  • Why it is so necessary to be clear and clear with present and potential drivers
  • How job-hunting varies for extra experiened drivers
  • Do not let issues in your recruiting course of preserve a great driver from making use of once more.


Be taught Extra About Driver Recruiting and Retention

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